Virtual Women’s Museum Antalya, Turkey awards “Woman of the year” prize
The Antalya Women Museum’s “Woman of the Year Award” for 2022 was given to Işık Yargın with a ceremony, the presentation of the “Antalya Woman of the Year” award took place on the first of February at the Akra Hotel in Antalya.
The award from the “virtual museum” (www.antalyawomenmuseum.com) is handed out in the name of Jale İnan, Turkey’s first female archeologist who led the unearthing of the Ancient Hellenistic city of Perge, 15 kilometers south of the Mediterranean resort of Antalya. It is awarded every year on İnan’s birthday to women who have contributed to the culture of the Antalya and its region.
The museum, a member of the International Association of Women’s Museums (IAWM).
This year’s presentation of the Prof. Dr. Jale İnan Award was expected with great interest and there were also many representatives of official institutions among the numerous guests. Among them was the Secretary General of Antalya Metropolitan Municipality Cansel Çevikol Tuncer, Antalya Promotion Foundation President Yeliz Gül-Ege, Antalya Women's Museum advisory board members, representatives of the Antalya Promotion Foundation, under the auspices of which the Antalya Women’s Museum was founded in 2015.
At the ceremony, the trailer of the Jale "Little Giant Woman" documentary directed by Zafer Çelik, which will soon meet with the audience, was screened with the participation of Hüseyin İnan, the son of Jale İnan.
Ms. Yeliz Gül-Ege, president of the Antalya Promotion Foundation, finally announced the decision of the advisory board.

The decision was made on Işık Yargın, a entrepreneur and nonprofit volunteer.
Işık Yargın, Member of the Advisory Board of Antalya Women's Museum and Head of Entrepreneurship Desk of Antalya Industrialists and Business People Association (ANSIAD), contributing to the prominence of women and young people in business life and entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean Region.